
The SceneHandler class is a static class responsible for handling the loading of different scenes in the game and configuring default values for different game modes. It provides four public methods: LoadMainMenuScene(), LoadLevelSelectScene(bool isFreeWorldMode), LoadArcadeGameScene(), and LoadLevel(int levelNumber).

The LoadMainMenuScene() method loads the main menu scene in the game, while LoadLevelSelectScene(bool isFreeWorldMode) loads the level select scene and sets the IsFreeWorldMode flag in LevelData, which determines whether a user is in free world mode or not.

The LoadArcadeGameScene() method loads the game scene for arcade mode and sets various default values in LevelData such as BoardSize and TimeLimit. It also sets the IsArcadeMode flag to true and initializes Starts, Ends, defaultStart, defaultEnd, and GamePieces to null.

The LoadLevel(int levelNumber) method loads the game scene and sets various default values in LevelData for a specific level number. It also reads level data from a text file based on whether the game is in free world mode or not. It sets IsArcadeMode to false, initializes Starts, Ends, defaultStart, defaultEnd, and GamePieces to null.

The SceneHandler class can be used in the larger project to handle scene transitions and initialize default values for different game modes and levels. For example, when a user selects a level from the level select menu, the LoadLevel(int levelNumber) method could be called with the corresponding level number to load the game scene and initialize default values for that level. Alternatively, when a user selects the arcade mode, the LoadArcadeGameScene() method could be called to initialize default values for arcade mode and load the game scene.

Here is an example of how LoadMainMenuScene() method could be called in a Unity button’s OnClick() event:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class MainMenu : MonoBehaviour
    public Button startButton;

    void Start()

    void LoadMainMenu()

In this example, when the user clicks the start button in the main menu, the LoadMainMenu() method is called, which in turn calls the LoadMainMenuScene() method in the SceneHandler class to load the main menu scene.

Questions & Answers

  1. What is LevelData and how is it used in this code?

    LevelData is likely a class or struct used to store data related to the game’s levels, such as the current level number, whether the game is in free world mode or arcade mode, and various level-specific data such as starting positions and game pieces. It is used in this code to set default values for different game modes and levels.

  2. What happens if LoadLevel(int levelNumber) is called when IsFreeWorldMode is true?

    If LoadLevel(int levelNumber) is called when IsFreeWorldMode is true, the code loads level data from a text file in the FreeWorldLevels folder using the Resources.Load() method and sets LevelData.lvlData to an array of strings containing the level data. If IsFreeWorldMode is false, the code loads level data from a text file in the LevelSelectLevels folder. The rest of the method initializes various default values for the level based on the loaded level data.

  3. What is the purpose of SceneManager.LoadScene() in this code?

    SceneManager.LoadScene() is used to load different scenes in the game, such as the main menu, level select, and game scenes. It takes a string argument representing the name of the scene to load and a LoadSceneMode argument specifying whether to load the scene additively or as the onlyscene in the game. In this code, SceneManager.LoadScene() is used to load the main menu, level select, and game scenes depending on the method called.